We at the SCGA Junior Golf Foundation are looking forward to 2021 and embarking on what we believe will be our most important year of work yet.
Hello my name is Dan Cimino and I’m the President of the SCGA Junior Golf Foundation. This year, we are looking forward to strengthening our programming and meeting kids where they are to make good on missed opportunities.
Our work is about opportunity. For some kids, we give them the opportunity to be part of a golf community where they have great mentors and make new friends. For others, it’s an opportunity to learn a new activity that they can enjoy for the rest of their lives, a place they can go for a challenge or for refuge. Kids will gain the opportunity to learn how hard work and patience yield rewards, that experiencing failure produces character, and that competing with others teaches integrity.

I know these things to be true because like so many of you, I was a junior golfer during my formative years. My involvement in golf taught me invaluable life lessons, created a sense of self-reliance and persistence and introduced me to many of my lifelong best friends. I learned how to deal with adversity, and in the successes, I learned the rewards of hard work.
Some kids like to pour out their energy and creativity into art, music, or other sports. Different strokes for different folks. But some love doing what we do – chasing that little white ball around some of nature’s most beautiful places. It is a great honor to help give other kids a chance to enjoy the game we love!
I’d like you to know how proud I am to be associated with the SCGA and the Foundation. The business of golf goes up and down, but through thick and thin the SCGA and the Foundation steward the game and keep it moving forward.
We have built something pretty amazing because of the generosity of people like you. You have so much to be proud of! Each year brings the next generation of golfers, so this year we have more programming to prepare for, and new underserved areas we hope to reach. I hope you’ll stick with us as we step up to the new challenges this year brings. Together, we’ll change lives, and the game of golf, for the better.
With gratitude,
Dan Cimino